How to Transition Your Outdoor Space for Spring

How to Transition Your Outdoor Space for Spring

With warm weather right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about transitioning your outdoor living space for spring! 

Here are some tips to transition your outdoor space for spring:

•  Spruce up your space by clearing up and sorting out your backyard, patio, decking and fences.

In addition, you can add some spring utensils in your yard, such as our Tiken white coffee carafe and coffee mug.They are the perfect addition to your morning routine, with its lively design and fresh color scheme. They brighten up your yard and brings spring to the air. 

  •  Prepare your garden soil for spring by removing weeds and debris, adding compost and mulch.


  •  Plant up a springtime container with colorful flowers like petunias or pansies to create a beautiful and vibrant display.


  •  Get pruning by cutting back dead branches and stems of shrubs and trees.


  • Plan ahead by creating a list of things you want to do in your outdoor space this spring.
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